Yorick Wilks

Yorick WilksYorick Wilks is an academic, formerly Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Sheffield whose original research was on the nature of metaphysical argument and its computational modeling. He later moved to Oxford and now works in Florida.

Yorick Wilks’ Wikipedia page

PhD Thesis
Wilks, Y., (2019) Artificial Intelligence: Modern Magic or Dangerous Future? (Hot Science) Paperback – Illustrated, 6 Jun. 2019 (https://www.wob.com/en-gb/books/yorick-wilks/artificial-intelligence/9781785785160?gclid=Cj0KCQjwguGYBhDRARIsAHgRm4-voO_VDOlmo1tHXn7ho9wr1tHTZd3jOy3NHmpMBaoGbE7ibyYcVTMaAh65EALw_wcB#GOR010103302)
New illustrated edition from MIT Press forthcoming 2023.

Wilks, Y. (ed.) (2010), Close Engagements with Artificial Companions: Key Social, Psychological and Design issues. John Benjamins; Amsterdam

Wilks, Y., Brewster, C. (2009) Natural Language Processing as a Foundation of the Semantic Web. Now Press: London.

Wilks, Y. (2008) Machine Translation: Its Scope and Limits. New York: Springer.

Wilks, Y. (2007) Words and Intelligence I, Selected papers by Yorick Wilks. In K. Ahmad, C. Brewster & M. Stevenson (eds.), Springer: Dordrecht.

Wilks, Y. (ed. and with introduction and commentaries) (2006) Language, cohesion and form: selected papers of Margaret Masterman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Wilks, Y., Nirenburg, S., Somers, H. (eds.) (2003) Readings in Machine Translation. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Wilks, Y. (ed.). (1999) Machine Conversations. Kluwer: New York.

Wilks, Y., Slator, B., Guthrie, L. (1996) Electric Words: dictionaries, computers and meanings. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Wilks, Y., Ballim, A. (1991) Artificial Believers. Norwood, NJ: Erlbaum.

Wilks, Y. (ed.) (1990) Theoretical Issues in Natural Language Processing. Norwood, NJ: Erlbaum.

Wilks, Y., Partridge, D.(eds. plus three YW chapters and an introduction). (1990) The Foundations of Artificial Intelligence: a sourcebook. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Wilks, Y., Sparck-Jones, K. (eds.). (1984) Automatic Natural Language Processing, paperback edition. New York: Wiley. Originally published by Ellis Horwood.

Wilks, Y., Charniak, E. (eds. and principal authors). (1976) Computational Semantics—an Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Understanding. Amsterdam: North-Holland. Reprinted in Russian, in the series Progress in Linguistics, Moscow, 1981.

Wilks, Y. (1972) Grammar, Meaning and the Machine Analysis of Language. London and Boston: Routledge.